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Parent Agreement

Welcome to We’ve Got Friends (WGF)! We are so excited to welcome you and your participant to the WGF community. In order to keep all participants at WGF events safe, we ask that parents/caregivers thoroughly understand and follow the policies and guidelines listed below. Please review and agree to the terms listed in this document prior to attending your first hang-out:


  • A parent/caregiver must be present at all times during programming, regardless of the participant’s age or ability.


  • ​Parents/caregivers are responsible for supervising their participants at all times during programming.


  • Parents/caregivers must register their participants online for programming at least 24 hours prior to the start of the event. ​


  • Site Hosts and Volunteers are not responsible for managing participant behaviors during programming. Parents/caregivers are responsible for maintaining the safety of their participants and addressing any behavior that may be harmful to themselves or other participants. ​


  • Site Hosts are responsible for maintaining and upholding the Group Agreements. Any concerns about other participants’ behaviors should be communicated directly to Site Hosts. Concerns related to other participants should not be addressed to Volunteers or participants at programming. ​


  • Parents/caregivers should notify Site Hosts of any necessary accommodations (including ramps, allergies, sound sensitivity, reading assistance, ESL etc.) at least 1 week prior to in-person programming events. If this notice is not given, Site Hosts may be unable to obtain the resources necessary to meet the accommodation. ​



  • All questions or concerns related to programming should be addressed to Site Hosts. 

By clicking "I AGREE", I have read, understood and agreed with the above responsibilities and guidelines.

I Agree
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